After obsessively following the case and watching the trial everyday, I went from believing that she was guilty to having reasonable doubt. After reading Jose Baez's book, I can say that I believe that it was most likely "an accident that spiraled out of control".
There is a very well written summery of how one reddit member believes the accident went down. I've put together a list of bullet points on some of the things that I agree with, along with some of my own thoughts. You can find the links to the reddit posts at the bottom of this page.
Here are some red flags listed in the bullet points below:
- George Anthony lied about the day he said he last saw Caylee.
The computer records prove that Casey was at the Anthony residence until after George left for work that day. Buried deep within this article is this line:
I think that's kind of big news! We expect Casey to lie about what happened that day, but why is George saying she left at 12:50 pm when she clearly didn't? Cell phone records also put her there all day.
To put all this information in context, this is what we know about Casey's day:
The link posted above states that the prosecution knew Casey preferred using Firefox...their excuse for why this information wasn't at trial was that they only looked at explorer. Aside from that, the first thing I would look at as an investigator is the web information for that day. There's basically no way they didn't have it. I suspect they didn't introduce it because they didn't want to have to explain why George is lying about that day.
Baez impeached George on his testimony about that day and poked some holes in it, but he had an ace in the hole with this computer info and chose not to use it because the 12:50 pm departure was better for them in case the prosecution used the suffocation search. They could argue that George did it. The prosecution had an ace in the hole with the suffocation search but couldn't use it because to bring it in would prove George was lying and cast suspicion on him. In other words, both sides knew George was lying about what happened and they knew Casey didn't leave at 12:50 pm, but the prosecution pretended that was a legit timeline because it was better for their case.
"And the newly uncovered browser histories further indicate Casey Anthony was at the house past 12:50 that afternoon. Her password-protected computer account activates the browser at 1:39 p.m., revealing activity associated with her AIM account and MySpace and Facebook. The last browser activity during that session is at 1:42 p.m.; two minutes later, Casey Anthony calls her friend, Amy Huizenga, and they talk until 2:21 p.m."
I think that's kind of big news! We expect Casey to lie about what happened that day, but why is George saying she left at 12:50 pm when she clearly didn't? Cell phone records also put her there all day.
To put all this information in context, this is what we know about Casey's day:
- Starting at shortly before 8 am, she began using the computer that day. She did random searches for things related to the "shot girls" she was managing, chats with a few people on AIM, and other random things. Nothing incriminating or abnormal for Casey prior to 2:50 pm.
- George says her and Caylee left at 12:50 pm. Either George has her phone and is pretending to be her online or this timeline is inaccurate.
- 1:39-1:42 pm, Casey is online on her home computer
- At 1:44 pm, Casey begins a conversation with Amy Huizenga. Amy describes this as a normal conversation. This call ends at 2:20 pm.
- George says he left at 2:30 pm. He arrived to work a little after 3.
- There doesn't appear to be any electronic information between 2:20 and 2:50 pm.
- At 2:51 pm someone does a search for "foolproof suffocation", clicking on several pro-suicide websites. (you could go either way with this one: premeditation to murder or contemplation of suicide in reaction to losing Caylee)
- At 2:52 pm, Casey receives a phone call from Jesse Grund. Grund describes the conversation as abnormal. She told him her parents were getting a divorce and she had to find a place to live.
- At 3:04 pm George called Casey, supposedly from work. She clicked over and ended the call from Grund. According to Baez, George told Casey he took care of everything and reminded her not to tell her mother. This call lasted 26 seconds.
- At 3:36 pm, she tries to call Tony, he doesn't answer.
- Between 4:10 and 4:14 pm, Casey tries to call her mother a total of 6 times. (In Baez's book, he says that after George left for work, she paced and cried and freaked out for about an hour before deciding she needed her mother and desperately tried calling her)
- 4:18 pm, her cell phone shows her leaving the Anthony residence for Tony's. Caylee is not with her.
The link posted above states that the prosecution knew Casey preferred using Firefox...their excuse for why this information wasn't at trial was that they only looked at explorer. Aside from that, the first thing I would look at as an investigator is the web information for that day. There's basically no way they didn't have it. I suspect they didn't introduce it because they didn't want to have to explain why George is lying about that day.
Baez impeached George on his testimony about that day and poked some holes in it, but he had an ace in the hole with this computer info and chose not to use it because the 12:50 pm departure was better for them in case the prosecution used the suffocation search. They could argue that George did it. The prosecution had an ace in the hole with the suffocation search but couldn't use it because to bring it in would prove George was lying and cast suspicion on him. In other words, both sides knew George was lying about what happened and they knew Casey didn't leave at 12:50 pm, but the prosecution pretended that was a legit timeline because it was better for their case.

- The judge had to order George Anthony to submit to a DNA test. He refused to do it voluntarily.
- Who calls the police to report two missing gas cans... honestly though.
- When George went to visit Casey alone in jail, he didn't press her for info on where Caylee might be.
Cindy and Lee both pressed Casey for information about where Caylee could be, but when George went by himself to visit Casey he doesn't press her for info at all. Instead mainly focusing on informing her of how the court proceedings will go, and trying to somewhat comfort her and keep her calm.

- George Anthony's letter he wrote to Casey after Jose Baez informed him about the allegations of sexual abuse, (in my humble opinion) just didn't come across as something that an innocent person would say.
"Casey Marie,
Where do I begin??? Well, met with Jose & Cheney Mason on Wednesday, March 24th. Jose in Cheney Mason’s office delivered me disturbing news & ask me 2 heart breaking questions? You know what 2 questions he asked. and I am num … Why, why also destroy Lee… Why, why also destroy Mom… Why, why also destroy me, your family… Why, why also destroy Caylee Marie… After all I have tried, sacrificed, continued to have you, my daughter, why??? Continually coming to court, continually wanting to see you, why???"
If you notice, not once does he ever deny the allegations. He also speaks very cryptically, he knows that the guards read all of her mail. I think an innocent person would say something more along the lines of, "Casey, what are you talking about? You know I never sexually abused you." Instead this sounds exactly like something an abuser would say. Abusers put the responsibility for their actions on the child. You talk, you will destroy the family. You talk, you will be taken away, ect...
- Casey spoke of sexual abuse to a couple of her boyfriends long before Caylee had passed away. So it's not like this was just made up on the spot right before the trial.
- The duct tape was found nine feet away from the remains and had none of Caylee's DNA on it.
- Roy Kronk's inconsistent statements about finding Caylee's remains.
Here's some of the different statements he's made:
- The skull was outside the bag and he spotted the skull from a distance.
- The skull was inside the bag and he definitely did not touch the remains with any part of his body or any object.
- The skull was inside the bag, he opened the bag and the skull—with duct tape around its mouth and nose--rolled out.
- The skull was inside the bag, he lifted the ENTIRE BAG up in the air and the skull fell out.
- He lifted the skull with his meter stick and dropped it.
- He “manipulated” the skull with his meter stick, but didn’t move it any significant amount.
- Caylee's body was found 19 feet from the road, the area where she was found had been searched multiple times during the months prior, and how is it that with a school directly across the street and plenty of people who walk past that area every day, no one smelled the odor of a body decaying in the Florida hot sun?!
Then there is all of the mis-information and character assassination fed to the public by the prosecution and main stream media:
- Casey only made one search for the word "chloroform" on her computer, not 84. (The prosecution knew this and withheld that information btw.)
- What about the pictures of Casey partying for the 31 days while Caylee was missing?

From the testimony of her friends, in terms of going out partying with friends to bars and that kind of thing, she rarely went. When she did go out with them in that context, without Caylee, her mom was blowing up her phone saying "when are you coming home to take care of Caylee". She almost always left early and drank very little during these times. This is consistent across the testimony. In fact, the prosecution switched tactics during the trial and began eliciting testimony about how infrequently she went out and how often she was turning people down. Basically, they were trying to prove that Casey had a motive to commit murder because Caylee was holding her back. Unfortunately for the prosecution, it had the opposite impact on the jury. They saw a parent acting responsibly by putting other things on hold so she could care for her child. In terms of being with boyfriends and friends, she often spent time at their homes with Caylee. Ricardo Morales testified that Caylee and Casey spent something like 5 nights a week at his apartment when they were dating. Basically, if Casey was with her friends, Caylee was almost always with her.
There's more, so I'll be updating this post in the near future.
Jose Baez's book:
Hysterymystery of reddit:
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