class-header-css3Welcome to my blog where I re-post interesting legal news and share a few of my own opinions on some stuff as well.
Know of an Awesome Lawyer? If you know of an awesome attorney who goes above and beyond that you think deserves some recognition, let me know about them and what makes them so unique and I may just add them to my "AMAZING ATTORNEYS" category in this blog.
You will find links to FREE resources for child custody and support, as well as information on Parental Alienation and how to fight it.
Welcome to my blog where I re-post interesting legal news and share a few of my own opinions on some stuff as well.
This Blog Endorses Never Get Busted: Arrested for a drug crime? Have a loved one in prison? NGB is famous for freeing prisoners and defendants. NGB does many pro bono (free) cases and some cases charge as little as $500. They work with each client’s budget.
Know of an Awesome Lawyer? If you know of an awesome attorney who goes above and beyond that you think deserves some recognition, let me know about them and what makes them so unique and I may just add them to my "AMAZING ATTORNEYS" category in this blog.
You will find links to FREE resources for child custody and support, as well as information on Parental Alienation and how to fight it.
Welcome to my blog where I re-post interesting legal news and share a few of my own opinions on some stuff as well.


Hover effect 4v2

Apprentice Info

Hover effect 4v2

Custody Resources

Hover effect 4v2

Pro Se Resources


Applicants who have not completed at least two years of college work in accordance with Rule 4.25(A) of the Admissions Rules and Section 6060(c)(1) of the California Business and Professions Code may satisfy the general education requirements that must be completed prior to beginning law study by attaining a score of 50 or higher on the following College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations, which are administered by the College Board:

1. Under Composition and Literature category, either
  • College Composition*, or
  • College Composition and Modular*;
2. Two other examinations, each designed to correspond to full-year courses (6 semester hours each**) or four other examinations, each designed to correspond to semester courses (3 semester hours each*) that can be selected from any of the following subjects:
  • Composition and Literature (Humanities examination only)
  • Foreign Language
  • History and Social Science
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Business
Applicants must register to take the CLEP examinations directly with the College Board and request that score reports be forwarded by the College Board to the prospective law schools to which they are seeking admission. Applicants who are either requesting a general education evaluation or pursuing law study under the Committee of Bar Examiners’ Law Office Study program must have the College Board send official score reports to the State Bar’s Office of Admissions in Los Angeles, 845 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017-2515. The score recipient code for the Office of Admissions is 7165.

Copies of informational brochures and registration forms are available at local colleges and universities, or by contacting: The College Board, P. O. Box 6600, Princeton, NJ 08541-6600, 800-257-9558,

* Course Title changed effective July 1, 2010

Study Resources

Official CLEP Study Materials

The CLEP Official Study Guide is the only official CLEP guide created by the test developers. It offers you:
  • Official practice questions for all 33 CLEP exams, published by the College Board
  • Helpful guides to earning college credit, evaluating a college's CLEP policy, and applying for credit
  • Valuable suggestions for preparation, including methods of self-assessment and strategies for answering exam questions
If you're taking just one or two CLEP exams, you'll save money by purchasing a CLEP Exam Guide for a specific subject, available as a downloadable PDF, instead of the comprehensive study guide.

Textbooks and Other Resources

A good place to start is the list of textbooks and other materials used in comparable college courses. Check with your college bookstore to find out which books and materials are used for the related course.

Online Resources

Check out the resources below, compiled by the CLEP test development committee and staff members. (But be aware that these sources aren’t designed specifically to provide preparation for a CLEP exam. And we, of course, have no control over their content and cannot vouch for their accuracy.
  • Online Education Database Library
    This library links to open courseware, broadcast learning, educational video, archives, lecture webcasts and podcasts from a range of colleges, and scholarly journals.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    MIT offers 1,800 free lecture notes, exams, and videos in a variety of subjects, along with supplemental resources.
  • University of California, Berkeley
    The University of California, Berkeley, presents free podcasts and webcasts of its current and archived courses.
  • Open Learning Initiative
    Carnegie Mellon University provides free online courses and course material in modern biology, French, economics, chemistry, and other subjects.
    The Annenberg Foundation's website for teacher professional development offers streaming video and course materials in a variety of subjects.
  • HippoCampus
    This site contains multimedia lessons and course materials.

CLEP Study Materials: A Word of Warning

Many private companies offer preparation service for CLEP exams. Some are legitimate, but others make promises they cannot keep and sell services and products that you don't need. You should investigate test preparation companies thoroughly before making a purchase.
We have received complaints from students regarding the following practices, which we consider to be unfair or inappropriate:
  • Attempts to sell preparation services for many CLEP exams at once, with sizable payment up front or on credit
  • Credit agreements with a company other than the one selling the preparation materials
  • Contacts from salespeople to you or your families at home
  • Promises that you can receive college credit without enrolling in college
  • Efforts to sell you dictionaries or encyclopedias as part of the test preparation package
If you believe you have been cheated, we recommend seeking the assistance of an organization such as the Better Business Bureau or the Federal Trade Commission.

College Composition

College Composition contains multiple-choice items and two mandatory, centrally-scored essays. The exam measures your awareness of a variety of logical, structural and grammatical relationships within sentences; revision skills in the context of works in progress; and your ability to use authentic materials and perform rhetorical analysis. In addition to the multiple-choice section, College Composition includes a mandatory essay section that tests skills of argumentation, analysis and synthesis.
Please note that while scores are provided immediately upon completion for other CLEP exams, scores for the College Composition exam are mailed to test takers two to three weeks after the test date.

College Composition Modular

College Composition Modular measures your knowledge of the fundamental principles of rhetoric and composition and your ability to apply the principles of standard written English. In addition, the exam requires familiarity with research and reference skills. In one of the two essays (the optional essay module produced by the College Board for College Composition Modular), you must develop a position by building an argument in which you synthesize information from two provided sources, which you must cite. The requirement that you cite the sources you use reflects the recognition of source attribution as an essential skill in college writing courses.

Principles of Marketing

The Principles of Marketing examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester introductory course in marketing. Such a course is usually known as Basic Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing or Marketing Principles. The exam is concerned with the role of marketing in society and within a firm, understanding consumer and organizational markets, marketing strategy planning, the marketing mix, marketing institutions, and other selected topics, such as international marketing, ethics, marketing research, services and not-for-profit marketing. You're expected to have a basic knowledge of the economic/demographic, social/cultural, political/legal and technological trends that are important to marketing.

Principles of Management

The Principles of Management examination covers material that is usually taught in an introductory course in the essentials of management and organization. Questions on the exam require you to demonstrate knowledge of management functions and techniques, and ability to associate the meaning of specific terminology with important management ideas, processes and techniques. You will also be required to apply knowledge, general concepts and principles to specific problems.

Introductory Psychology

The Introductory Psychology examination covers material that is usually taught in a one-semester undergraduate introductory course in psychology. It stresses basic facts, concepts and generally accepted principles in history, approaches and methods of psychology; biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception; states of consciousness; learning; cognition; motivation and emotion; personality; psychological disorders and treatment; social psychology; and statistics, tests and measurements.
Please note that the questions on the CLEP Introductory Psychology exam will continue to adhere to the terminology, criteria and classifications referred to in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) until further notice.
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-5) was published in May 2013 with revisions to the criteria for the diagnosis and classifications of mental disorders. In the interest of fairness and to allow time for publishers to integrate such changes into pertinent sections of textbooks, the College Board has decided to align the tests with the DSM-IV-TR.

Human Growth and Development

The Human Growth and Development exam (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and aging) covers material that is generally taught in a one-semester introductory course in developmental psychology or human development. An understanding of the major theories and research related to the broad categories of physical development, cognitive development and social development is required, as is the ability to apply this knowledge.
Please note that the questions on the CLEP Human Growth and Development exam will continue to adhere to the terminology, criteria and classifications referred to in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) until further notice.
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-V) was published in May 2013 with revisions to the criteria for the diagnosis and classifications of mental disorders. In the interest of fairness and to allow time for publishers to integrate such changes into pertinent sections of textbooks, the College Board has decided to align the tests with the DSM-IV-TR.

CLEP Exam Preparation Resources

CLEP Official Study Guide
This guide, developed and published by the College Board, is the official study resource for all 33 CLEP exams. It includes practice questions for all exams, exam descriptions, information on getting credit for CLEP and test-taking tips and strategies.
CLEP Individual Exam Guides
If you're taking just one or two CLEP exams, consider purchasing individual exam guides. These contain the same content for each subject that appears in the CLEP Official Study Guide.
CLEP Tutorial – Testing Platform 
This tutorial guides you through the testing platform to help you become familiar with the testing tools, the types of examination questions and the types of calculators that will appear in a CLEP exam. WatchVideo.
CLEP Exam Registration Tutorial
In this presentation we will guide you through the CLEP exam registration process, focusing primarily on the My Account portal where you can: purchase exams and study materials 24/7; identify a test center to take your exam; select a score recipient institution; and enter your personal information in advance to speed up the check-in process on test day. Watch VideoDownload Instructions.

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  • Open
  • Fully Funded
4.95 mi

$80 per test x 5 = $400
$25 study book

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