Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Judge Judy Exposed
A letter from a Judge Judy staffer has leaked, uncovering the multiple levels of fakery the courtroom reality show is built upon.
The letter, signed by producer Julie Turner, reveals how the program employs “field researchers” who review and suggest cases pending in small claims court that they think would make for explosive TV fare.
Potential participants are also baited in the letter with a number of sweeteners: defendants, for example, are told that the show guarantees “to pay [the] plaintiff the full amount that was awarded against you,” and “you pay nothing.”
Even better for the litigants, according to the letter, is that “no civil judgement will be entered against you if you lose the case,” as appearing before the cameras acts as arbitration as opposed to litigation.
Tempting to both plaintiffs and defendants is an all-expenses trip to Los Angeles for them (and any witnesses), along with an “appearance fee” for putting their case before the cameras.
The TV judge, whose real name is Judith Sheindlin, came under fire last month from former participant David Kohalisky, a Clearwater Fla. nativewho was seething about how he felt the show portrayed him.
“Being on the show ruined my life,” Kohalisky told RadarOnline.com exclusively, claiming that the show’s producers prodded him to come out of the closet on national TV, which led to complications when he returned to Florida.
“I work with children with disabilities and after the show aired I was told that a ‘f** should not be working’ with these kids,” Kohalisky told Radar. “People that normally talk to me now turn their heads when they see me and pretend that I don’t exist.”
Kohalisky also claimed that producers tried to get him to sue for more, lie about one of his witnesses and broadcast a mistruth about being evicted from his home.
"Judge Judy presents a horrible image of what judges are supposed to do. Here’s a hot tip: Judges don’t belittle their litigants, don’t apply the law off the top of the heads, don’t encourage the litigants to act out, don’t mouth off about their prejudices and don’t controlthe evidence. This is reality television at its very worst. Judy’s commercial success is entirely undeserved."
— Michael Asimow
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Porn Star Takes California Bar Exam for First Time ... and Passes
California has what is considered the most difficult bar exam in the nation.

Posted Dec 09th, 2014 04:31 PM by Tom Hymes
LOS ANGELES—The next time someone tells you porn stars have to rely on their physical assets to compensate for what's lacking upstairs, mention Heather Swift, who performed in approximately six titles from 2012 to this year under the name Holly Price. In addition to her work in adult movies and as a stripper, the self-described former porn star is distinguished for having passed the California bar exam the first time she took it.
Most people probably do not comprehend just how impressive an achievement that is. According to Above the Law, becoming a lawyer in the Golden State is harder than in any other state in the union. "As we mentioned this morning," wrote Staci Zaretsky today for the site, "the California bar exam had one of its lowest pass rates in almost a decade. Just 48.6 percent of test-takers passed the exam, which is quite unfortunate.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Youtube Discussion on Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson
This woman is guilty. Where's Forensic Files when you need it? After decomposition the tape was applied? Retarded. Partying and new tattoo . She seems like a drug-head, maybe ecstasy. In previous video I said trial was Simpsonlike.

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+the brain I heard 3 of the black women who were on the oj case,dumb as rocks..how do they find their way home

+bunny fish repetition, structured days,landmarks, living in same neighborhood a lifetime. I've been up for jury duty a few times, they never pick me. I'd keep the group on track and looking at what truly is the case, no matter how long it takes.
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+bunny fish Anyone in a position to pass judgement should be worldly (been there,done that or know what it's about) enough to discern nonsense from truth. people who have lived a completely clean life have no idea what the word is about. I would rather have a councilor that was recovering from the thing I was suffering (recovering addict) than someone that never touched anything in their life.(Just an example)
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+the brain look at the schooling a judge and lawyer must have to work in a court room...the most important part is the jury,they can be dumb as a box of rocks ...why not have pro jurys,people trained some in law,evidence,blood work,dna...people who will focus on the facts ,not racism,or the person is famous..the rich get away with crimes with the aid of slick lawyers,smoke and mirrors...even lawyers say the facts don't matter in court any more
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+bunny fish I know. Makes the courtroom (whole system of justice) weaker. Cases go down in the books and are referred to in the future.Total corruption of the system.

+the brain it just seems so crazy...a guy can get yrs for a couple joints in texas ..scam us out of millions of dollars,nothing happens,murder,you go free

+bunny fish I like your description, "dumb as a box of rocks". This could be said for many of the people leaving comments about this case.
Regarding your idea about having juries made up of forensic experts, it would have made no difference in the Anthony case. This is due to the fact that there was zero forensic evidence connecting Ms. Anthony to the death of her daughter.
Regarding your idea about having juries made up of forensic experts, it would have made no difference in the Anthony case. This is due to the fact that there was zero forensic evidence connecting Ms. Anthony to the death of her daughter.
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+Olivia Westbrook I think in the Anthony case she was over charged,my friends and I talked about this b-4 the trial began...not only murder,but the death penalty too...I heard trial experts say they could have put her away for 20 yrs,by stringing different charges together...child abandonment,child indangerment,child neglect,lying to police,fraud [passing bad checks],providing false statements to police...the only links I know of are the duct tape [match for the roll found in the Anthony home],and the heart stickers[sheet with missing hearts found in the baby's room...the few death banded hairs,and decomp,smell,all from the trunk of Casey's car....that's a hard sell to put someone to death over...I don't think I would have voted death
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+bunny fish The sticker accusation was found to be bogus and eliminated by the FBI. There was only one 'banded' hair. This was also dismissed because the science is new and does not account for other causes. The decomposition smell is too subjective to be actual evidence and there was no chemical evidence of decomposition found in the trunk. One decomposition fly was found and that was in the decomposing meat in the garbage bag. If there had been a body in the trunk long enough to create the smell, it would have been full of flies, eggs or larvae. The skull had been tampered with on numerous occasions leaving the positioning presented by the prosecution completely unreliable. There was none of Ms. Anthony's or Caylee's DNA on the duct tape. Considering duct tape adhesive is extremely good at retaining DNA it was considered impossible for the tape to have been on the child's flesh prior to decomposition.
This lack of evidence is why Ms. Anthony wasn't convicted. One cannot condemn someone because 'they might have done it'.
I have no idea if Ms. Anthony was responsible for her daughter's death and, for sure, the general public don't know either. They can only speculate and speculation is just guessing.
This lack of evidence is why Ms. Anthony wasn't convicted. One cannot condemn someone because 'they might have done it'.
I have no idea if Ms. Anthony was responsible for her daughter's death and, for sure, the general public don't know either. They can only speculate and speculation is just guessing.
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+Olivia Westbrook the fact that mom and dad saw her walk out the front door,the day after fathers day [or grand dad's BD],and lie,and not be able to produce the child for 31 days,is child neglect/endangerment of some sort... mom and dad would know the smell of death cop/nurse...I was in the service,i know that smell,you know the 1st time you smell it,just what it is
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+bunny fish As I've said, I don't know if Ms. Anthony was responsible for her daughter's death. But, I also don't know the veracity of her parent's testimonies. They are both proven liars.
The smell is still subjective. There were people who didn't think it was human decomposition. Did you know that the cadaver dogs did not alert anywhere on the second run?
The problem with this case is most people seemed to have formed a prejudiced position based on what the media have fed them. The media only reported the prosecution's leaks, which were designed to prejudice a jury prior to selection, and report what they considered the most sensational parts of the trial once in session. Consequently, it is very hard to decipher fact from fiction.
The prosecution knew they had no evidence, so they built a case based on conjecture and character assassination. The jury didn't buy it. And that, unfortunately, is the end of the matter until someone can come up with some real evidence of guilt or innocence.
Also, bear in mind, that everything you see and hear has a backstory which often reverses what you think it means.
The smell is still subjective. There were people who didn't think it was human decomposition. Did you know that the cadaver dogs did not alert anywhere on the second run?
The problem with this case is most people seemed to have formed a prejudiced position based on what the media have fed them. The media only reported the prosecution's leaks, which were designed to prejudice a jury prior to selection, and report what they considered the most sensational parts of the trial once in session. Consequently, it is very hard to decipher fact from fiction.
The prosecution knew they had no evidence, so they built a case based on conjecture and character assassination. The jury didn't buy it. And that, unfortunately, is the end of the matter until someone can come up with some real evidence of guilt or innocence.
Also, bear in mind, that everything you see and hear has a backstory which often reverses what you think it means.
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+Olivia Westbrook I find it hard to believe the dad & Casey found the child dead in the pool,and lauched some massive cover up...why...so many things don't add up...I think mom and dad walked on egg shells with Casey,for fear she's leave with the child...they had to know all she did was lie 24/7 365...where was the child all day and all night,did dhe drug the kid several times a day,then one day too much...that's what I think happened...the decom,the smell and hair...Casey will never say,and why believe what she's say anyways,right?..I think she was overcharge,and that could be proved at all...should have gone for multi lesser charges...are you watching the people voj simpson,last episode 2 night
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+bunny fish Did you know Ms. Anthony was offered a lesser charge?
She vehemently refused it and wanted to prove her innocence.
As far as what you think - you only have fragments of information. It is impossible for you to know what happened. I have a mountain of evidence compared to you and I don't know what happened.
She vehemently refused it and wanted to prove her innocence.
As far as what you think - you only have fragments of information. It is impossible for you to know what happened. I have a mountain of evidence compared to you and I don't know what happened.
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+Olivia Westbrook I heard of a plea deal,i'm not sure I remember what it was...well oj didn't take the stand,neither did she...if I was charged with a murder [or crime]I didn't do i'd take the stand

+bunny fish Taking the stand is not as simple as you seem to think. The reason Ms. Anthony didn't take the stand was due to the prosecution's lack of evidence. Since the prosecution had zero forensic evidence they hung their case on speculation together with the assassination of Ms. Anthony's character. If Ms. Anthony had taken the stand they would have a field day. They would have repeated over and over her behavioural faux pas in order to influence and prejudice the jury. The defense, obviously, would not give them this freedom. So, they sacrificed Ms. Anthony's right to speak for herself. They, the defense lawyers, understandably, found this to be a difficult choice but, as it turned out, the right one.
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+Olivia Westbrook OJ and Anthony,would have both been destroyed on the stand...how is taking the cops to your fake job helping find you child...why tell the cops 4 tales of how you cut your hand...proven lies mattered in the Peterson case
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+bunny fish 1) This is not the Peterson or the Simpson case. 2) Did you actually read and understand my previous reply to you?
The state could not prove its case against Ms. Anthony.
If you have any new valid evidence I would be interested in hearing it, but I'm not interested in your ideas of what may have happened. I probably have more ideas of my own, based on more actual evidence than you seem to have. Having said that, I still don't know what actually happened because I wasn't there and, as I've already said, I'm not interested in guessing and speculation.
The state could not prove its case against Ms. Anthony.
If you have any new valid evidence I would be interested in hearing it, but I'm not interested in your ideas of what may have happened. I probably have more ideas of my own, based on more actual evidence than you seem to have. Having said that, I still don't know what actually happened because I wasn't there and, as I've already said, I'm not interested in guessing and speculation.
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+Olivia Westbrook you don't know what casey would have said on the stand ...I said from the get go she was over charged...state child laws vary,i'm sure they could have brought about some sort of neglect or endangerment charge,or even lesser type charges
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+bunny fish Once again, there was no evidence of neglect. In fact, all the evidence was to the contrary.
Please, please, I'm trying to be polite, but you don't seem to understand what I'm saying to you and you keep repeating the same speculation over and over.
I don't know what actually happened because I wasn't there and nor were you, as I've already said, I'm not interested in guessing and speculation.
Please, please, I'm trying to be polite, but you don't seem to understand what I'm saying to you and you keep repeating the same speculation over and over.
I don't know what actually happened because I wasn't there and nor were you, as I've already said, I'm not interested in guessing and speculation.
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+Olivia Westbrook you're a expert on fla child protection laws now...the fla laws are "irrelevant"...PRICELESS...bye
+bunny fish I also thought that 1st degree was gonna be close to impossible to prove but not guilty on child neglect?how is not calling 911 when you find your child facedown in a pool not neglect? She nor George(giving the defense the benefit of the doubt) were not qualified to pronounce Caylee was dead...and I for one can't see George building a playhouse for Caylee yet fling her body in a swamp for animals to get at(just a personal opinion)
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+Olivia Westbrook and before you start on your "not interested in speculation and guessing" bs may I remind you that this was the theory brought forth by the defense in court...that Caylee drowned in her family swimming pool that Casey found her dead and that George and her were involved in this great cover up...that's public record and available on any videoclip on YT and the internet should you chose to see it:)
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+ohwell94 I see your point. But the prosecution never tried proving that was what happened. on the contrary, they were trying to convince the jury that the whole story of Caylee drowning was bull shit.
+Truther Chick I'll play devils advocate here for a sec
just suppose that it went down the way the prosecution says it did(personally? I think she's guilty as hell)then I'd have to say Casey had time on her side and she was the luckiest person I had ever seen...that coupled with a master of smoke and mirrors lawyer(omg I hated Jose Baez on sight for me he was the perfect example of an ambulance chaser shyster lawyer!)
he played it beautifully...most ppl would rather accept his theory of drowning and a highly dysfunctional family than admit that a young pretty middle class girl can be capable of this right?
just suppose that it went down the way the prosecution says it did(personally? I think she's guilty as hell)then I'd have to say Casey had time on her side and she was the luckiest person I had ever seen...that coupled with a master of smoke and mirrors lawyer(omg I hated Jose Baez on sight for me he was the perfect example of an ambulance chaser shyster lawyer!)
he played it beautifully...most ppl would rather accept his theory of drowning and a highly dysfunctional family than admit that a young pretty middle class girl can be capable of this right?
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+ohwell94 possibly, but for me, all I can say is I started off with my mind made up... she was guilty! but by the end of the trial, I felt that there was reasonable doubt. what can i say... Jose Bias may be a lot of things, but he did one hell of a job defending this case. almost like a Hispanic Johnnie Cochran lol
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+Truther Chick me2
I have to say I also had my mind made up and that hasn't really changed..Casey is somehow responsible maybe not murder but somehow
.the only thing I just cannot buy is Georges involvement..I believe he had the affair but I just cannot see this man putting his granddaughters body into bags and dumping it into a swamp knowing animals would get at it...I can see Casey doing that cause that wouldnt have crossed her mind you know what I mean?
Jose Baez I'm sorry I just cannot stand him but yeah he did a really good dance lol
the one thing I am positive of? is that family is kooky!
I have to say I also had my mind made up and that hasn't really changed..Casey is somehow responsible maybe not murder but somehow
.the only thing I just cannot buy is Georges involvement..I believe he had the affair but I just cannot see this man putting his granddaughters body into bags and dumping it into a swamp knowing animals would get at it...I can see Casey doing that cause that wouldnt have crossed her mind you know what I mean?
Jose Baez I'm sorry I just cannot stand him but yeah he did a really good dance lol
the one thing I am positive of? is that family is kooky!
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+Truther Chick Would I be right in presuming your mind was initially made up by media reports?
If this is the case, you'll probably be interested to know that those reports were leaked to the media by the prosecution in order to prejudice the public and therefore anyone selected for the jury. This is a particularly despicable and immoral act on the prosecution's part. It also gives an insight into the veracity of any of the prosecution's subsequent claims and activities.
If this is the case, you'll probably be interested to know that those reports were leaked to the media by the prosecution in order to prejudice the public and therefore anyone selected for the jury. This is a particularly despicable and immoral act on the prosecution's part. It also gives an insight into the veracity of any of the prosecution's subsequent claims and activities.
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+Olivia Westbrook Yes it was all of the media reports that made me start out convinced of her guilt. I think it can be easy for us (as a society) to accept what the mainstream media tells us as gospel. But in reality, we're lied to daily by the media. Many of us have grown up with TV being damn near our second baby sitter, every day since birth. So we are conditioned to trust what the TV tells us as a result.
I honestly don't know what happened to this sweet beautiful little child. That whole family seems to live in a world of fantasy and lies, so anything they try to say is the "truth" is suspect. I mean, their credibility is shot.
Just "thinking" a person is guilty of a crime is not enough. It must be proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt, from only the evidence that was presented to you in the court. No matter how much of a piece of shit that person might be, EVERYONE has that right. If we start saying it's ok to "cherry pick" who's rights are protected, then none of our rights are safe.
I honestly don't know what happened to this sweet beautiful little child. That whole family seems to live in a world of fantasy and lies, so anything they try to say is the "truth" is suspect. I mean, their credibility is shot.
Just "thinking" a person is guilty of a crime is not enough. It must be proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt, from only the evidence that was presented to you in the court. No matter how much of a piece of shit that person might be, EVERYONE has that right. If we start saying it's ok to "cherry pick" who's rights are protected, then none of our rights are safe.
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+Todd Dunham I'm just a little confused by your post here... are you trying to say that Olivia is really "Catfish" Casey Anthony or something?
+Truther Chick that I agree with...have you ever seen the movie Network? watch it there's a scene that really hits home about how important TV(these days the internet) has become to ppl!
and yes ill venture to say that theres a whole lot of ppl who arent interested in justice they just want someone to pay...I still say she had something to do with Caylees death but we will never know what and I will admit that I was and am still angry about the case...at the very least she should had been found guilty on the child neglect that's what I'm most angry about now
and yes ill venture to say that theres a whole lot of ppl who arent interested in justice they just want someone to pay...I still say she had something to do with Caylees death but we will never know what and I will admit that I was and am still angry about the case...at the very least she should had been found guilty on the child neglect that's what I'm most angry about now
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+ohwell94 Yes, I have seen the movie Network. Very good movie! I love Faye Dunaway. She played a very convincing Joan Crawford in the movie "Mommy Dearest" too.

+ohwell94 Oh and I totally understand being upset at a person who I believe is guilty of a crime, being acquitted. But I think it's unfair to fault a jury or defense attorney for just doing their jobs (I'm not implying that's what you are doing btw). The burden of proof is on the prosecution, and they have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, and do it "playing by the rules". Sometimes it's not always the prosecution's fault though. The detectives can screw things up before it even gets to court, as I believe this to be the case in the OJ trial. I highly doubt that any of the detectives "planted" any evidence in the Simpson case (actually, they gave OJ special treatment), but given the LAPD's long time reputation for corruption and brutality, especially towards people of color, I understand why that jury was going to vote the way they did.
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+Truther Chick oh yeah I agree the OJ case was a screw up from the word go from the cops the lab technicians the prosecution ....now again I believe 100% he's guilty but the jury was instructed to weigh the evidence only presented in court and that was it...they had no choice but to vote not guilty!
here however its different...JB got up in court and admitted that Casey knew Caylee was dead knew cause she was found in the pool and did nothing about it...she was reviewed by 2 psychiatrists that stated she didn't suffer from any mental illness and was competent so she actually admitted she was guilty of neglect but the jury still aquited her of that charge smh!
here however its different...JB got up in court and admitted that Casey knew Caylee was dead knew cause she was found in the pool and did nothing about it...she was reviewed by 2 psychiatrists that stated she didn't suffer from any mental illness and was competent so she actually admitted she was guilty of neglect but the jury still aquited her of that charge smh!
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