California has what is considered the most difficult bar exam in the nation.

Posted Dec 09th, 2014 04:31 PM by Tom Hymes
LOS ANGELES—The next time someone tells you porn stars have to rely on their physical assets to compensate for what's lacking upstairs, mention Heather Swift, who performed in approximately six titles from 2012 to this year under the name Holly Price. In addition to her work in adult movies and as a stripper, the self-described former porn star is distinguished for having passed the California bar exam the first time she took it.
Most people probably do not comprehend just how impressive an achievement that is. According to Above the Law, becoming a lawyer in the Golden State is harder than in any other state in the union. "As we mentioned this morning," wrote Staci Zaretsky today for the site, "the California bar exam had one of its lowest pass rates in almost a decade. Just 48.6 percent of test-takers passed the exam, which is quite unfortunate.
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